Vacuum Bagging

The world of composite engineering embraces the newest in technologies, and Reynolds is there every step of the way. We offer silicone for creating reusable, high performance, high-tech vacuum bags along with epoxy resins, polyester resins and reinforcement fabric for infusion and hand lay up applications. We also carry accessories to ensure your vacuum bags are efficient, effective and high-performance. Talk to us about your project, we have the newest materials to help you create your most precise, high strength parts ever.

[Image of materials being used in the Vacuum Bagging application.][Image of materials being used in the Vacuum Bagging application.]

Popular Products

EZ-Brush Vac Bag Silicone

Brushable platinum silicone rubber specifically developed for making high performance, re-usable vacuum bags.

EZ-Spray Silicone 20 & 22

Sprayable silicones effective at making fast, cost effective molds and vacuum bags for producing composite parts.

All Reynolds USA locations will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day. Resuming normal operations on Tuesday, February 18th.