Sprayable Rubber & Plastic

When undertaking a large scale project or many small scale projects at once, it may be beneficial to use a sprayable material. Reynolds carries a versatile line of sprayable rubbers, plastics and foams. We carry the EZ~Spray, Jr. spray system, which is an easy to use, inexpensive alternative to buying complicated and expensive equipment. Because The EZ~Spray system is for very specific projects, we recommend that you discuss your project with your local Reynolds Advanced Materials support team before investing in this system

[Image of materials being used in the Sprayable Rubber & Plastic application.][Image of materials being used in the Sprayable Rubber & Plastic application.]

Popular Products

EZ-Spray Silicone 20 & 22

Sprayable silicones effective at making fast, cost effective molds and vacuum bags for producing composite parts.

EZ-Spray Silicone 35

Platinum cure silicone rubber developed for spraying using the EZ~Spray® Jr Spray Gun

EZ-Spray 45

Sprayable, durable urethane mold rubber which allows for casting a variety of materials.

EZ-Spray Jr Gun

Spray system for spraying 1500 ml cartridges of EZ~Spray® coating, mold making and casting materials.

EZ-Spray Plastic

Sprayable urethane plastic compound formulated for the EZ-Spray® Jr. Spray System.

EZ-Spray Foam

Rigid foam sprayed using Smooth-On’s EZ~Spray® Jr. System

EZ-Spray StyroCoat

Flame-Rated sprayable polyurethane plastic formulated to coat a variety of surfaces

All Reynolds USA locations will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day. Resuming normal operations on Tuesday, February 18th.