Customer Spotlight – Mic Carlson

Published May 9, 2018

Mic Loves using Smooth-On products. He recently used Smooth Cast™ 325 series and So-Strong™ colorants to paint with or to color his relief sculptures commissioned by HopCat for Chicago and Florida. Rebound™ 25 is his go to for his moulds and uses many epoxies for sculpting and repair work. He’s always excited to try new products and experiment finding new uses. 

Bronze sculptor Mic Carlson was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1965. He has operated his own galleries in Grand Rapids and Saugatuck, Michigan. He has had 4 exhibitions in Italy, including a month long exhibition at the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi, Italy.  He displayed 16 bronze statues telling the story of St. Francis of Assisi. His wife Susan Evangelista has added a major spark in Mic’s career, not only in her countless support but also documenting his creations and exhibitions on video for the best of 20 years. Mic also presented Pope Benedict a bronze sculpture of St. Francis at the Vatican in 2008. An 11 acre Saint Francis of Assisi sculpture garden for prayer and meditation in Grand Rapids is being built that will forever showcase the collection of 24 bronze sculptures by Mic. Mic continues to create large bronze monuments. His West Michigan bronze statues include a seven foot “Madonna of the Streets” located in the Garden of Life on Bridge Street, “Christ at the Pillar’” a seven foot bronze at Holy Redeemer in Jenison, “Living Cross”, a 13 foot bronze cross at Cascade Christian Church in Ada, Officer Robert Kozminski bronze located at Richmond Park. April 8th, 2018, Mic unveiled his largest monument in front of the Basilica of St. Adalbert of “Jesus and the Children.”

All Reynolds USA locations will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day. Resuming normal operations on Tuesday, February 18th.