Mold Max 60

Heat Resistant Silicone

Mold Max® 60 is a Shore 60A tin catalyzed silicone rubber formulated for applications requiring high heat resistance (up to 560°F/294°C). It features a low mixed viscosity and cured rubber exhibits very low linear shrinkage. Applications include making foundry patterns, flat pattern reproductions and casting low-melt metal alloys such as tin and pewter. Cure time can be reduced with Accel-T® cure accelerator.

PLEASE NOTE: THI-VEX® Silicone Thickener is NOT recommended for use with Mold Max® 60.

Price and Purchasing

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ProductSizeNet WeightPrice

Mold Max 60

Added heat resistance silicone. Parts A & B are mixed 100A & 3B by weight. Pot life is 40 minutes and cure time is 24 hours.
Trial Unit 2.27 lbs. 32594875
Gallon Unit 12.36 lbs. 1219618245
5 Gallon Unit 61.8 lbs. 4687970131

Document Downloads

Technical Bulletin

Safety Data Sheet

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