PoYo Putty

Mix & Apply-By-Hand Mold Putty

PoYo® Putty is a two-component mold making silicones (tin catalyst) that can be mixed and applied “on site” – directly to almost any model. PoYo® Putty will hold any vertical surface and capture even the finest detail and is perfect for making strong rubber molds that can be used within minutes. Use Less – Do More: Because PoYo® is applied as a thin layer, less material is used, saving you money. PoYo® Putty molds are also lightweight, making them easier to handle.

Price and Purchasing

Call to Order

ProductSizeNet WeightPrice

PoYo Putty 40

Kneadable, On-the-Spot Silicone Putty. Shore 40A hardness.
Trial Unit 2.13 lbs. 47477102
Gallon Unit 8.5 lbs. 1494122352
5 Gallon Unit 42.6 lbs. 5812386952

Document Downloads

Technical Bulletin

Safety Data Sheet

All Reynolds USA locations will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day. Resuming normal operations on Tuesday, February 18th.