Free Form AIR FAST
Mix & Apply-By-Hand Epoxy Dough
Free Form™ AIR FAST is an easy to use epoxy putty that cures in minutes to a hard, strong and extremely lightweight plastic. Parts A and B are dispensed in equal amounts and mixed by hand. Used at room temperature, working time is 6 minutes in a 60 gram mass (2 oz) and handling time is 30 minutes (tack-free, hard surface). Epoxy putty is easy to color with UVO™ color pigments. You can smooth, texture, sculpt, or stamp while epoxy putty is in its “green” state. Cured epoxy is lightweight enough to float in water and can be easily carved, sanded, tooled and painted for finishing. It is compatible with original Free Form™ AIR, Free Form™ AIR HT and Free Form™ AIR Fire Safe.

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