Andreas Moravec is a moldmaker and makeup artist based in Austria. In this tutorial, Andreas demonstrates a technique for creating '300' style theatrical armor using Rebound™ 25 silicone and Smooth Cast® resins.
Using Smooth Cast® 325 pigmented with So-Strong® black tint produces a very lightweight, yet impact resistant piece.
Visit Andreas' website here: http://www.andreasmoravec.at
You Will Need: Mixing Containers, Mixing Sticks, Paint Brushes, Smooth-Cast® 325, So-Strong, Rebound™ 25, Alja-Safe®, Gypsum Bandages, Plasti-Paste®, Cast Magic®
Step 1: Working with Alja-Safe™
Alja-Safe™ alginate is used to take an impression of the actor's chest. Gypsum bandages are then used to back up the alginate and provide support. The Alja-Safe™ captures every detail of the actor and a gypsum cast is made from the Alja-Safe™ mold.

Step 2: Creating Armor
The armor detail is sculpted onto the gypsum positive using an oil-based clay. Moldmakers then apply a thin coat of Rebound® 25 rubber. A thickness of 3/8'' (1cm) of Rebound® 25 silicone is brushed onto the sculpt. Plasti-Paste® is then applied on top of the cured Rebound® 25 to form a support shell and allowed to cure.

Step 3: Casting your Armor
The mold is opened, revealing that all of the detail has been catured in the Rebound® 25 silicone. Cast Magic® powder is brushed onto the mold surface. Smooth Cast® 325 is pigmented black using So-Strong® tints and brushed into the mold. The Smooth Cast® resin is allowed to fully cure for 1 hour.

Step 4: Perfect Fit
The finished resin casting is a perfect fit.